I decided that it would make sense to keep my videogame 'PixelBeard' posts separate... So if you'd like to peek inside the game making process come check out the PixelBeard blog.
I'd really appreciate followers/comments/feedback it all helps keep me motivated! Plus I'd like to invite everyone to take part in a pole and help decided a future game's genre.
I thought this would be a good opportunity to post some work too... PixelBeard logo progress & ideas.
Initially I wanted to make a pixel with a beard logo and render it in a demoscene-esque manner. Harking back to retro logos like Psygnosis's (old school brilliance). I'm sure it would have been a mistake though - I opted to keep it simple and went with a standard base size of 16x16 pixels for the core logo - most of the time you'll see it scaled up but it works small too.
I'll definitely do the more impressive rendering style for a later game load screen or something but a logo needs to be simplistic. Preferably survive being reproduced in black and white. Plus I wanted it to be suitably low res. I do love my pixels...
Apples, Games, Pixels & Nudity + Illustration, Animation & more Games too