Friday, 6 March 2009

Cavendish b3.0

Here's a little glimpse of the latest version of Cavendish my Flash based CMS (Content Management System).

Its basically an online application that allows users to edit their website's content. I'll post later this week detailing Cavendish's feature set (It's surprising versatile with b2.0 running an online store already).

I'm currently building beta version 3.0 - quite a few improvements being made, mostly behind the scenes, but noticeably the GUI is being streamlined.

I'm also finally getting round to implementing an automated publishing function that generates a simple HTML only site. This will allow universal access to the core content. So mobile devices and public computers (with no flash player installed) will be able to view the site and it'll make the sites fully search engine indexable.

[This is the b3.0 HTML editor]

Apples, Games, Pixels & Nudity + Illustration, Animation & more Games too

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